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Top Healthcare Provider in Santa Monica

Source Healthcare provides client-centric, digitally integrated, efficient medical service. Part of our transformation was eliminating the word “patient” from our vocabulary and replacing it with “client.” This small move inspired our entire team to think about our customers from a different perspective.

Our Focus

Healthcare is a service industry like any other. Your time is as valuable as ours. We have changed the way we think as healthcare providers to focus on service first. Excellent medical advice and treatment is expected from the physicians, but the whole team must live up to the same level of care. This is where Healthcare as a service must improve. We, as a service industry, can no longer expect patients seeking pain relief in Los Angeles to have patience as they wait for hours in an uncomfortable waiting room.

From our spacious Reception to the interim Waiting Room

Personalized Care

As Healthcare systems consolidate into large inefficient entities that lack the agility to adapt to the changing landscape, Source Healthcare is in a constant state of evolution by adapting to market demands. Many other healthcare groups are choosing to join in with large organized health systems thinking that critical mass is their solution to survival.

From our Surgery Center to a Patient Room

logo for Source Healthcare providing pain relief in Santa Monica


Meet Phil the Platypus

The unique approach of client-centric, digitally integrated, efficient healthcare may be hard to believe, and, much like the Platypus, some may even consider it a hoax. “The unusual appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, with some considering it an elaborate hoax.” But, just like the platypus, Source Healthcare is very real and changing the approach to Healthcare.

According to Australian folklore, the land animals, water animals, and birds all competed for the platypus to join their respective groups. However, the platypus ultimately decided not to join any of them, feeling that he did not need to be part of a group to be special. Similarly, Source Healthcare has chosen to stand alone and evolve at a faster pace in the new environment of healthcare.

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